Portland Skyline Image

The above image (the header for PortlandFoodCartAdventures.com) was taken and created by Ken Wilson. Ken is an amazing artist. Ken works with Photography , Graphic Design, Film, and Web Design. He knows how to make something look better than you can make it look. Just give it to him and trust him.

Ken can be followed on Twitter @mediamaestro57 and his website is www.mediamaestro57.com

Disclosure statement:  As anyone who goes to my personal Facebook page will see – I  not only have the privilege of working with Ken, but I am also his brother.


I have worked with Ken on a significant number of  projects and he is a consummate professional (When he is not goofing off).





Lastly, Ken loves going on Food Cart Adventures and he is thrilled when it comes time to eat!

That’s it

Steven Shomler

4 Responses to Portland Skyline Image

  1. Dan Kenison says:

    Hi Steven and Ken : It’s great to see someone focus on Ken’s strong points, his love of food and eating, his talent and his dependable and faithful friendship. You won’t find someone that takes his responsibility’s and friendships more seriously. I propose a toast! “Here’s to the Media Maestro, long may roam with camera and iPhone” / Mr.K.

  2. Nick Elias says:

    Here, Here!!!!! Mr. K. I also have the privilege of being Ken’s friend and brother. I rarely get to see him these days,and Thank God for modern technology as I am able to keep up with my northern brothers without breaking the bank or my car. Although I live hours away, I know that Ken would be there for me if needed (Steven as well, by the way) As I would be there for them. Here’s to true friendships, and loyalty. The world would be a much better place if more people were like Ken.

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