
I am a Food Cart Fan


I have fallen in love with Food Carts.

I enjoy Cooking. I love to whip something up for my family. It fills my heart with joy to see them enjoying something amazing that I have cooked for them. I appreciate when someone cooks something amazing for me.  Many times I have had great food at a food cart. Eating great food thrills me.

I enjoy being Creative. I do not have skills in the “arts.” For example – I cannot sing. When I do, my family tells me to be quiet. When I go shopping at WinCo I put in my earphones and crank up my Ipod. Sometimes, I start getting funny looks and I realize that I am singing The Heavy’s Short Change Hero, a little too loud. “This ain’t no place for a hero…” FYI – I owned the House That Dirt Built before Scott and Stonebridge met in Malaysia.

Cooking is how I express my creativity. I have see tremendous creativity at the Food Carts I have been to. I admire that. A lot.

I know what it is like to battle for a Dream. People who start food carts are often taking a chance and doing something to fulfill a dream that burned in their heart for a long time. The kind of courage needed to “Go For It” and start something resonates deeply with me.

For those reasons and many more, I am a Food Cart Fan.

This blog is about the Great Food Carts I come across and the interesting Food Cart Stories I discover as I head out on my Food Cart Adventures.

I delight in finding and enjoying great food, and I want you to be able to enjoy it, as well.

I relish hearing interesting stories, and I want you to hear them, too.

I want to inspire and equip you to go on your own Food Cart Adventures.

Lastly, I have fallen in love with Food Carts, and I want you to do the same.

That’s it,

I am Steven Shomler and I am a Food Cart Fan.

If you would like to easily share this article with others it can be found at http://www.FoodCartFan.com and well as on http://www.PortlandFoodCartAdventures.com

1 Response to About

  1. ieho1 says:

    What a rad site!

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