Behind The Food Carts Video Interview – Food Cart TV

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Behind The Food Carts Video Interview – Food Cart TV

I recently sat down with Phil Shen and Kim Pham founders of Behind The Food Carts talking with them about the Food Truck cookbook they are working on and about Phil’s contribution to my book Portland Food Cart Stories

btfcnewlogo  IMG_8078  PortlandFoodCartStoriesCoverFrontMarch1

Here is a link to the video –
You can find the Food Cart TV YouTube channel here  –

Follow Behind The Food Carts

Here are some links if you would like to follow Kim and Phil –

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Many Thanks to Ken Wilson for making this video short!

Ken Wilson

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That’s it!

I am Steven Shomler and I am a Fan of Portland’s Great Food Carts.

  Portland Food Cart Adventures – We tell the stories of Portland’s GR8 Food Carts and the people who make Food Cart Magic happen.

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For information on my first book in the Bootstrap Chef Series 

Portland Food Cart Stories: Behind the Scenes with the City’s Culinary Entrepreneurs go to

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