Mama Chow’s Kitchen Food Cart – A Brief Glimpse at This Brand New Portland Food Cart!

Mama Chows Kitchen Food Cart Front

Mama Chow’s Kitchen Food Cart – A Brief Glimpse at This Brand New Portland Food Cart!

Jeff Chow opened Mama Chow’s on Sunday February 16th, 2014!

Mama Chow’s Kitchen is a Brand new Food Cart located at the corner of SW 2nd and Stark near the All Jarred Up Dessert Food Cart. In fact, Jeff’s second customer ever was Teri from All Jarred Up. She  stopped by Jeff’s first day in business to cheer him on!

I had a blast hanging out with Jeff on the 16th. I showed up before he was actually ready to open and I was able to visit with him and once he was open I bought three of his dishes.

Mama Chows Kitchen Food Cart Lolllipop Chicken Wings  Mama Chows Kitchen Food Cart Lollipop Chicken Wings Fryer  Mama Chows Kitchen Food Cart Lollipops chicken wings in the pan  Mama Chows Kitchen Food Cart Lolllipop Chicken Wings 2


I have to say – I love his food!  I had the lollipop chicken wings, the won ton noodle soup and the BBQ spare ribs. Everything was good! I especially enjoyed the lollipop chicken wings. They are marinated overnight, deep fried, and then pan fried in a fantastic glaze!

The broth that come with the won ton noodle soup is really good and I would have been very happy to enjoy it just as it came. Jeff has a fun condiment tray he encouraged me to experiment and add even more flavor.  I ended up adding the soy sauce with kelp, the white pepper, the chili in peanut oil, dried scallions and onions. Loved it! I t was fun to be be able to customize the flavors to my liking.

Mama Chows Kitchen Food Cart spice options  Mama Chow's Food Cart - Won Ton Nood Soup and condiments

Mama Chow's Kitchen Food Cart - Jeff Chow

Oakland NOT San Francisco 

Jeff moved to Portland Dec 31st 2013 to open this food cart and start a new life. Jeff moved from Oakland to Portland. One surprise that Jeff has that first Sunday  morning that he was open, was that two of his dear friends, Tami and Eric drove up from Oakland to Portland to support Jeff and his new venture. I got to meet Tami and Eric. GR8 people!

The Mama

Jeff is using recipes that he got from his mom – Lalie Chow. Jeff says that he is making his won tons just like she does! They are wonderful won tons.

Follow and Hours

Mama Chow’s Kitchen is a brand new Food Cart so be sure to follow them on Facebook and Twitter to learn their current hours. As of his first day in business, Jeff was expecting to be open M-F from 11 AM -6 PM.

You can follow Mama Chow’s Kitchen here –

Facebook –


I highly encourage you to GO TO THIS FOOD CART! I know that I will be back!


Here are some pictures I took during my adventure to the Mama’s Chows Kitchen Food Cart. first up are photos of Jeff with his good friends Tami and Eric –

Mama Chows Kitchen Jeff Chow and Tami and Eric  Mama Chows Kitchen Jeff Chow and Tami and Eric 2

Mama Chow's Food Cart - Jeff Chow and Teri with the All Jarred Up Food Cart  Mama Chows Kitchen Jeff Chow and Teri All Jarred Up  Mama Chows Kitchen Food Cart Baby Bok Choy  Mama Chows Kitchen Food Cart BBQ Spare Ribs 1  Mama Chow's Food Cart - Spare ribs 2  Mama Chows Kitchen Food Cart Won Ton Noodle soup  Mama Chows Kitchen Food Cart Won Ton Noodle Soup 2  Mama Chows Kitchen Food Cart Won Ton Noodle Soup  Up Close  Mama Chows Kitchen Food Cart Jeff Opening up on his first day!  Mama Chows Kitchen Food Cart Front closed  Mama Chows Kitchen Food Cart Jeff Chow Peace  Mama Chows Kitchen Food Cart Front

That’s it!

I am Steven Shomler and I am a Fan of Portland’s Great Food Carts.

  Portland Food Cart Adventures – We tell the stories of Portland’s GR8 Food Carts and the people who make Food Cart Magic happen.

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Portland Food Cart Stories: Behind the Scenes with the City’s Culinary Entrepreneurs go to

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