The Suspended Coffee Movement Brought to Portland by a Great Food Cart – Ole Latte Coffee



The Suspended Coffee Movement Brought to Portland by a Great Food Cart – Ole Latte Coffee

I recently read about the Suspended Coffee Movement in USA Today, and I was delighted to find out that the Cafe Ole Food Cart has brought this movement to Portland!

Suspended Coffee cup

What is Suspended Coffee?

Suspended Coffee or Caffe Sospeso as it is known in Italy, is a delightful way to Pay it Forward.

You buy two coffees, one for you and one that is not immediately poured. The second coffee that you pay for has it’s order suspended until someone less fortunate comes along and they can get the suspended order of coffee that you paid for.

This innovative Pay It Forward tradition started in Naples, Italy

So this Suspended Coffee thing sounds a bit fishy to you? First check out Snopes –, and then get yourself down to the Ole Latte Coffee Food Cart.


The Ole Latte Coffee Food Cart has Suspended Coffee

Todd Edwards, owner of the Ole Latte Coffee Food Cart has introduced the innovative Pay it Forward practice known as Suspended Coffee at his Food Cart.

Suspended Coffee in Portland Started Here

As far as I know, the Ole Latte Food Cart is the first business (Food Cart or otherwise) in Portland to offer Suspended Coffee.

I stopped by Todd’s cart last Friday and even though he only introduced suspended coffee about a week ago, it is going very well.


Todd explained to me that every day he has customers who buy 2 coffees, one for themselves and one that is suspended and has the order held until someone less fortunate comes along.

Todd is using the board featured above to show what items are available suspended.

As you can see from the picture above, The day I stopped by, Todd has more than just coffee available suspended, he also has a scone and a cookie that someone has purchased for someone else to enjoy.

This is actually very consistent with how this pay it forward practice is lived out in Naples, where cafes will also have items such as sandwiches, suspended and available for the less fortunate.


10% Discounts for Suspended Coffee Purchases

Todd offers a 10% discount when someone makes a suspended coffee purchase.

Where ?

The Ole Latte Coffee Food Cart located at 1003 SW Alder Street in Portland.

You can follow Ole Latte Coffee on Facebook and on Twitter –

Facebook –

Twitter –

By the way, the best coffee I get in Portland comes from the Ole Latte Coffee Food Cart.



I asked Todd why he was doing this at his cart and he had an immediate answer. Todd is very grateful for the way Portland has embraced his Food Cart and bringing the Suspended Coffee movement to Portland is his way of saying “Thank you.”

Todd has a very big vison for this movement here in Portland. Todd is hoping that many, many other businesses will follow his example and start offering Suspended Coffee and allowing their customers to Pay It Forward.


Who is Next to Offer Suspended Coffee?

Funny you should ask. I have heard from Kevin Lawler, owner of the Rescue Bagels Food Carts on SW 6th and Columbia & SW 10th and Alder, and he plans to introduce the Suspended Coffee, Pay It Forward practice at his Food Carts on Monday April 15th.

That’s it,

I am Steven Shomler and I am a Fan of Portland’s Great Food Carts.

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